How To Take Care Of Your Health And Stay Fit? 

We usually ask ourselves this question when we have a physical ailment. We worry even less about our mental condition. However, in order to be able to fully enjoy life, you need to take care of your health, react before ailments appear!

Regardless of the current life situation, we all wish for health first of all. Most often then we think about avoiding diseases for us and our loved ones. Health, however, is something much more complex. According to the definition of the World Health Organization, it is “a state of complete well-being, physically, mentally and socially, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” It is a concept that includes the resources of an individual, which are to enable them to identify their own needs, aspirations and satisfy them. How to take care of mental and physical health to achieve well-being understood in this way?

Health And Stay Fit

You Are What You Eat – How To Maintain A Healthy Diet?

One of the most important elements of disease prevention, as well as a condition of well-being on a daily basis, is a proper diet. The substances contained in food are the source of energy, the building blocks of tissues, and the “material” needed for all processes taking place in the body, including mental ones. We should carefully compose our meals – in accordance with the general recommendations presented in the healthy eating pyramid and taking into account individual needs, e.g. level of activity or health problems. The key rule is to choose good quality products that are as least processed as possible. Regular, frequent eating of small meals is also beneficial to health, preferably with concentration and no rush.

How To Maintain Physical Health? Active!

In addition to a proper diet, regular exercise has a positive effect on physical condition – not necessarily at the gym or in a fitness club. Experts agree that maintaining good health and a slim figure is best served by moderate physical activity – brisk walks, cycling or simply digging your own garden. The most important thing is to spend at least half an hour each day on these activities. Movement in the fresh air is especially recommended. Importantly, the daily dose of activity has a positive effect not only on metabolism and heart function but also provides a powerful injection of endorphins responsible for well-being.

How To Stay Healthy And Avoid Disease?

Even the healthiest lifestyle may not protect us from ailments that we have in our genes. To take care of our health, we must undergo preventive examinations. Many diseases can be avoided if they are diagnosed early. Each of us should perform blood counts at least once a year, visit a dentist every six months, and women also a gynecologist. It is worth checking which diseases are most common in our family and checking ourselves regularly for this.

Health And Fit

Sleep And Rest For The Sake Of Health

An often overlooked aspect of taking care of your own health is the appropriate dose of rest. Necessary for both physical and mental regeneration of the body. First of all, we should sleep about 7-8 hours a day, preferably at regular times and in comfortable conditions. In addition to sleep, we also need breaks from work. Which cannot be limited to annual leave. We should allow ourselves a moment of relaxation several times a day. Because a person is able to work efficiently without breaks for no more than two hours! After this time. The level of energy and the ability to concentrate decrease. And continuing to act leads to the depletion of the body’s resources and mental malaise.

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