Emotional intelligence vs. IQ: Does it Actually Help You Succeed?

Daniel Goleman’s book Emotional Intelligence revolutionised the corporate world in 1995. It reinforced what many people already knew: that having a high IQ is no guarantee of good work success, particularly in leadership positions. According to Goleman, a person’s ability to understand his own emotional reality and that of others can lead to success even more than pure thought.

Emotional Intelligence



The ability to consider what’s going on in people (including yourself) and then use that awareness to deliver the expected results is known as the emotional quotient, or EQ for short.

People who have a high EQ are more likely to be competitive than those who do not.

What Exactly Is Emotional Intelligence, And Why Is It So Crucial?

Emotional intelligence is becoming more and more relevant in the workplace, for both workers and the managers who recruit them.

Emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive, regulate, and convey one’s own emotions in a healthy manner. Furthermore, EI assists you in better understanding how your colleagues or team members feel, helping you to interact with them more effectively.

As A Colleague Or Boss, Emotional Intelligence Is Critical

Improving your EI level as a manager will help you lead your team, support staff, and gain more responsibility.

Conversely, emotional intelligence is a valuable feature on all levels, not just for leaders. Emotionally intelligent people make great team members. According to our findings, hiring managers cite improved teamwork, enhanced engagement, and good networking skills as positive outcomes with an emotionally intelligent team.

Within emotional intelligence, Goleman distinguishes a variety of components and separates them into five groups.

Intrapersonal: is all about you. You are aware of your own strengths and limitations, are capable of managing your emotions and abilities, and make the most of your opportunities.

Interpersonal: It has to do with connecting with other people. Consider empathy for others, the ability to sustain relationships, and dispute resolution.

Adaptability: You’re aware of what’s going on around you and are open to new ideas.

Stress Management: You have a high level of stress resistance and the ability to suppress and control feelings and impulses.

General Mood: You should see issues as obstacles and be happy as a result.

People who possess a combination of the above traits are more likely to function more deliberately and cope better with setbacks and strain. As a result, everyone has a better chance of succeeding in their chosen profession.

Is Eq The Secret To Effective Leadership?

There is a correlation between EQ and workplace efficiency, according to several studies. Except in those fields where a high degree of abstract thought is needed, people who have it outperform those who don’t.

The ability to regulate your emotions allows you to remain calm under pressure. Helping you to think clearly and make the best decisions possible. This is demonstrated in your peers, who stay calm and productive as a result.

What Is The Result? In A Crisis Situation, Having Faith In Your Skill Will Mean The Difference Between Success And Failure.

Emotional Intelligence EQ

Similarly, you maintain power by knowing your coworkers’ feelings and motives. Empathy for your coworkers builds confidence and dedication. You will become the type of leader that people choose to work with if you capitalise on their inherent motivations and skill.

Good leaders realise that loyalty, commitment, and hard work are not things that can be coerced. This is only possible if workers assume their manager is sincerely interested in who they are and what they require. Although a high IQ and relevant skills and competencies are still necessary, few people work alone. That is why EQ is critical to your professional success.

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