When Is Being Obese a Health Risk?

Overweight people are often viewed as having low self-esteem in our appearance-obsessed society. A person’s Health Risk  can be seriously jeopardized if they are obese.

Observing the Bigger Picture:

Being overweight can cause many Health Risk, including diabetes, heart disease, and more. As a result of obesity, joints, respiration, sleep, mood, and energy levels can be adversely affected. In other words, obesity has a significant impact on a person’s quality of life.

Health Risk

Definition of Obesity:

If a person consumes more calories than they burn, their bodies store the excess calories as fat. Most folks don’t have to worry about gaining a few pounds of weight. However, if people continue to eat more calories than they burn, their bodies will store fat. At some point, the amount of body fat in a person’s body might adversely influence their health. Doctors use the terms “overweight” and “obese” to identify those who are most at risk for weight-related health issues.

According to statistics, more individuals are obese today than at any time in history. An “obesity epidemic” has been coined by experts. One-third of children between the ages of 2 and 19 are overweight or obese, impacting both adults and children. Because of this, younger individuals are starting to suffer from Health Risk. High blood pressure, high cholesterol, and type 2 diabetes were previously confined to the elderly.

Overeating: What’s the Reason?

Obesity tends to be a genetic trait. As a result of their slower metabolism, some people are genetically predisposed to gaining weight more quickly than others. With scant food, this was a huge advantage. Most industrialized countries today have 24-hour access to food. The metabolic efficiency that formerly kept us alive is now working against us. Several factors contribute to one’s body shape and size, including genetic predispositions. As a result of poor food choices, such as eating out frequently, people today may be gaining weight.

Eating at a desk rather than around a table is like this. Larger quantities of food and less physical activity are all contributing to the obesity epidemic. Emotional causes can lead people to turn to food. They might do this when they’re feeling depressed or anxious, or bored. When this occurs, individuals tend to overeat.

Metabolic Efficiency

Weight measurement:

It can be more challenging to determine if a teen is overweight than it is for adults. That’s because teenagers are still in the process of maturing and becoming more aware of their surroundings. To assess if a person is overweight, doctors and other health care professionals frequently use a measurement known as the body mass index. A doctor will use a BMI growth chart to record the results of a BMI calculation. Obesity is defined as a BMI above the 95th percentile line on the chart. Overweight is defined as having a BMI greater than or equal to the 85th percentile but less than the 95th percentile.

Being overweight can cause a variety of health issues, including:

Obesity is terrible for both your body and your psyche. As well as causing fatigue and discomfort, it can also harm one’s mental health. The bones and joints of the legs are particularly vulnerable to the strain of the additional weight. Overweight children and teenagers are more prone to acquire diabetes and heart disease as they reach older. 

Medical conditions commonly associated with obesity in adolescents include:

Chronic illness: Blount’s disease. This lower-leg bone malformation can be caused by putting too much weight on growing bones.

Arthritis: At a young age, excessive weight-bearing can lead to this debilitating joint condition. An epiphysis of the capital femur has slipped. For obese children and teens, this hip condition is more likely to occur. To prevent further joint damage, SCFE necessitates prompt intervention and surgery.

Asthma: Obesity is linked to breathing issues that can exacerbate already difficult conditions. Keep up with friends by participating in sport or walking to and from class.

Apnea: A condition in which a person’s breathing stops for an extended period. Obese children and adults are more vulnerable to snoring, which can cause them to cease breathing while they sleep. Sleep apnea disrupts sleep and can leave people feeling tired and unable to concentrate and study. It may potentially cause heart issues.

As a result of hypertension:

A person’s heart has to work harder, and the arteries have to convey blood that’s under more pressure when their blood pressure is high. Problems can lead to long-term cardiac and arterial dysfunction if they persist for a long time. Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is more likely in adolescents who are overweight or obese.Health Risk



Obese adolescents may have abnormal levels of blood lipids long before they get ill. All three are present: high triglyceride levels, high cholesterol, and low HDL cholesterol levels. As people get older, heart attacks and strokes become increasingly likely.


Gallstones are formed by the hardening of bile in the gallbladder. If you have them, you may need to have surgery. Hepatitis B and C. When fat accumulates in the liver, it can lead to inflammation, scarring, and long-term damage to the liver. This condition is known as a “pseudotumor cerebra.” Among obese children and adults, this is a relatively uncommon cause of severe headaches. Pressure increases in the brain despite the absence of a tumor. Additionally, vomiting, unstable walking, and eye issues that may be permanent if not treated are possible side effects.

A condition is known as polycystic ovaries. Obese girls are more likely to experience irregular or non-existent menstrual cycles. All of the time and may have high testosterone levels in the bloodstream. Even yet, it’s common for females to have a small amount of testosterone in their system. Excessive hair growth, acne, and male-type baldness can occur if too much testosterone is in their blood. Having PCOS increases Health risk of acquiring type 2 diabetes because of the condition’s link to insulin resistance. Women who are obese may also have fertility issues.

Diabetes and insulin resistance:

Insulin is less effective at delivering glucose, the body’s primary energy source, into cells with extra body fat. To keep blood sugar levels stable, more insulin is required. Insulin resistance can lead to diabetes and elevated blood sugar in some overweight youths.


Overweight people have a higher risk of depression and low self-esteem. Weight gain and related Health Risk aren’t inevitable, so it’s never too late to make adjustments that will help you lose weight and improve your health. You don’t need a massive overhaul to make these modifications work. Begin by cutting back on sugary drinks, avoiding second helpings, and getting some exercise every day, even if it’s just for 5-10 minutes a day. To make significant changes, start with modest ones.

Which actions can you take to lessen the risk?

An ideal body mass index (BMI) can help you avoid the problems listed above. If you are overweight or obese, making changes to your food and exercise routine can assist you in losing weight and keeping it off.

Exercise Routine

The following are the most efficient methods for shedding pounds:

To lose weight safely, you should cut back on your daily calorie intake by roughly 600. To achieve this goal, eating a well-balanced diet and engaging in regular physical activity effectively combat obesity. Everyone should work out for at least 150 minutes a week to maintain a healthy weight. Even if you’re not obese, you may need to increase the amount of time you spend exercising daily if you want to avoid getting fat again.

Consult with your doctor before commencing any workout regimen. Check out these weight-loss suggestions for extra inspiration. If you have difficulty losing weight while eating a nutritious diet and exercising consistently, you should visit your doctor. They may prescribe medicine to help you lose weight and lower your risk of developing Health Risk.

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